Fast-O is a standalone application that let you define strategies, compute “Orienteering metrics” and specific “Performance Index” and perform deep analysis related to your orienteering session (training or competition). Fast-O is based on a specific method that is described further on.
Using Fast-O is free but it needs an acceptance process as some personal data related to trainings are collected. Only registered users can log in.
Specific method…
FastO is built from a specific method that define different routines for Forest and Sprint orienteering for different levels. It also helps to analyze the success of your orienteering strategies.
The key points are :
- routines (Forest or Sprint) are valid in any terrain, anywhere and / or anytime ;
- strategies are defined before hand (by you and / or your coach) and rely on specific terrains, conditions (forecast, …), type of races (relay, mass-start, night, knock out sprint, …). Only up to maximum 5 strategies can be analyzed or taken into account (based on sport mind sciences / mental approach).