BeArrows sprint training: Leuven Noord (1) (21/01/2023)
Category: Training Sprint
Map/area: Leuven Noord
Organiser: KONO
Country: Belgium
Discipline: Sprint
Distance: 2.77 km
Time: 10:55
Average HR: 149
Maximum HR: 176
2) + 5", little hesitation in routechoice & slower execution 3) +16" Bad routechoice + execution 5) +4" bad routechoice in the end 7) +3" slow execution 8) +1" slow execution 9) +12" crash 10) +7" very slow execution because of crash to previous control TOTAL = + 48"
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BeArrows sprint training: Leuven Noord (1) (21/01/2023) BeArrows sprint training: Leuven Noord (1) (21/01/2023)